Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Long Long Time

It has been ages since i last posted a post and have decide to do it today.

For the past whole 3 week, i can only use 1 quote to summaries my day
"Lethargic is the introduction and conclusion term of the day".
Sound pathetic, due to monotonous lifestyle and routine is driving me nuts all over.
Work was doom boring when there's monster in it, he never fails to be
"On to top of the World"
Furthermore, atiqah and alex has both left it just simply make it worse.
As we've cover topic on fashion,lifestyle, working and the worse of all
(2 guys bitching about the monster)
It's seems that nobody likes the monster.
2 more days to go, i will be finally done with work though i kinda miss the manager (Maris).

Still remembering those day when i lose my mind and text gab on those ridiculous stuff. When i think of it, i really feel so shameful bout it cause there's simply nothing yet i'm there to spark the fire up.
Futhermore, it is a forest fire that i've started and extinguish it shamefully.
Disgusting though.
At least, he's not angry bout it cause he treat it as i'm suffering from the same old issue.
Awesome Dude.
really appreciated it.

When the school has finally level their door for a brand new semester, i was reluctant to attend and even though of giving a skip. However, it is the moment when i saw my friends enlightenment from god that i really miss them.
Though it's last semester, we can still meet up often.

Overall, i'm glad that i've a few strong close friendship with some in this stage of my life and i really love them. & will start cherish them.

God Bless and Amen

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